This year, in addition to the core Art program, there will be new courses offered to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of art and want to take additional art classes. Sculpture 2 and Graphic Design 2 are prerequisite courses that require Graphic Design 1 and Sculpture 1. Both are half year courses that run […]
When A College Degree is “Worthless”
by. Alex Buche We’ve all heard the age old apocryphal stories; How all you need to do in order to thrive in America is to possess “passion,” or “out-of-the-box thinking skills,” or to demonstrate “interdisciplinary ideas.” Of course, these are certainly good qualities to have, but I would argue that they are an oversold commodity. […]
“Why do You Lie?”- Students Respond!
Why do you lie? Is it to protect yourself? Drive interest in something thats not true?Help yourself or others? We took a poll of {} students whith this simple yet complicated question! “To benefit myself.” -Callen Edinger “To get away with something if I did something wrong.” -Mrs. Matthews “To avoid hurting someone’s feelings.” -Andy […]
Powerful Poetry Performances: Oliver Ames High School Holds Its Sixth Annual Poetry Out Loud Competition
Authored by Jaela Horton The English Department hosted its sixth school-wide Poetry Out Loud competition at Oliver Ames High School on January 31st, 2019, featuring 11 solid performances by various students. At the end of the evening, Zuleica Monteiro was the runner up to the winner, Aeden Marcus. Poetry Out Loud is a nationwide competition […]
Oliver Ames Art Club Creates an Exciting and Vibrant School Atmosphere
Authored by Hannah Cahill The talented, hard working art students at Oliver Ames High School have created a club that both showcases their artwork and benefits the students and staff. The Oliver Ames Art Club is dedicated to producing artwork around the school that supports a more colorful and exciting learning environment for students and […]
Buche’s Book Recommendations: Worthless by Aaron Clarey
Week of 2/24/19 – Worthless, The Young Person’s Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major by Aaron Clarey If you are thirsty for a glass of the cold, hard truth, look no further than Worthless. The author, Aaron Clarey, describes himself as “The only motorcycling, fossil-hunting, tornado chasing, book-writing, ballroom dancing economist in the world.” In […]