High School Musical: the Musical: the Series, on Disney Plus created by Tim Federle, is about high school students going to East High where they shot the original High School Musical movies. For the school play, their new drama teacher, Miss Jen, decides to put on the production of High School Musical, since they have […]
Acceptance for all
By: Esmée Silverman When I came out to the school as transgender at the beginning of the year and started using my preferred name Esmée, I was not doing it for attention, and I wanted to stay as low as possible on the radar, knowing that this decision would have a ripple effect that influences […]
Trending #14: Little Women
Over the long weekend, I decided to see Little Women. I was excited to see this movie mostly because of the cast, and I’ll admit I never actually read the book by Louisa May Alcott or the 1994 film starring Winona Ryder. There are many familiar faces throughout the movie, the main character Jo March […]
Review: La Cucina restaurant delivers a twist on Italian
There’s a new restaurant in town! Say goodbye to Towneship and hello to La Cucina Ristorante! After going to La Cucina last night to try the newest restaurant’s creations, I can only say that I was blown away from the time I sat down. I went with my parents, and they were equally blown away. […]
OA Player Of The Week
The second Oliver Ames winter athlete of the week is Caroline Peper. This three-sport athlete has won this week’s title due to her impressive skills in basketball. The Oliver Ames girl’s varsity basketball team currently has a record of eight wins and one loss. Playing against teams in the Hock, OA has seven wins and […]
The U.S. Working Class says Hands Off Iran
On January 3rd, Donald Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, which has exacerbated the already horrid relations between the United States and Iran. U.S. leaders have long been targeting Iran in the form of sanctions and military coups. These heightened tensions have brought to the U.S. and Iran to the brink of […]