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Opinion: It’s Time to Change How We Educate
By Nathanael Simeon Research done by the University of Anglia, U.K. states that students entering college were only able to recall 40 percent of the teachings that they had just spent 12 years of their life studying. So what is the point of spending all those years knowing that 60 percent of the information is […]
From Ms. Fogarty to Mrs. Binney
Most of us in Oliver Ames High School have either had Ms. Fogarty in the past few years, or will be having her quite soon in the future. She is now known as Mrs. Binney. Over the summer (June 2018), Ms. Fogarty got married to her now husband who she dated for nine years. Now […]
The Truth About School Food
The bell rings. Students grab their bags and head for the classroom doors, funneling into the hallways. They are all headed for the same place: the cafeteria. Many file through lines to get their food and all sit down to eat with their friends. A short period later, the bell rings again, and the students […]
School Lunch? What About It?
An average of 400 students at Oliver Ames are served a school lunch every day, a number that represents over one third of the student body at the high school. Despite this fact, school food is never even given a second thought by many of the students and staff at the school, whether they eat […]
OA Pre-Game Playlists
Home advantage is huge for sports at all levels, including high school. When you hear the term “home advantage” you probably think of having fans on your side, feeling comfortable on the field or court, and having more confidence in general. One thing that most people overlook is the importance pre-game playlist that the home […]