Who are the founders of this club?
I am not sure who the original founders of the club were, or how long it has existed at Oliver Ames. I know it existed before my time at Oliver Ames and I have been leading it since 2013. Our current officers are Joyce Riad and Fannie Fouron.
What do you do?
French Club is a venue to experience, chat about and celebrate French Culture. We often will taste/make French foods, discuss French customs and culture, play French trivia games, make crafts, watch movies or listen to music.
Anything else you would like to tell us about?
One common misconception about French clubs is that students need to speak French or be French students to participate. This is not true!! All are welcome because anyone can be a francophile!
Email: psharkey@easton.k12.ma.us
Google Classroom: 77ruwj2