By: Halle Kandar

Walking through the halls of Oliver Ames High School, there is no way you wouldn’t know who Olivia Pike is. Olivia is a senior at OA and she is very loved by her classmates. Olivia does cross country and track, and she is very funny and outgoing. Olivia is very individualistic and doesn’t conform to the norm of how high school teenagers should be or act. In many ways, she is inspiring to her friends, family, and classmates, with whom she loves spending time.
Olivia loves to spend time with her family and friends. She loved pop music, specifically by Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. She went to Styles’ concert on Monday night and had the time of her life. Additionally, her favorite show is “You” on Netflix at the moment because the main character, “Joe tricks [her] every time.”
“My biggest role models are my parents. Specifically, my dad because he worked really hard and is now successful and did it all himself” explains Olivia with a big smile on her face when asked who her role models are, “but if we are talking about celebrities, Harry Styles is one of my biggest role models. He’s awesome.”
Olivia explains that she loves Harry because he is individualistic and doesn’t conform to society. Harry Styles is the most distinctively unique, popular artist of this generation as he wears whatever he wants and is still really cool. He is a cultural icon and very inspiring. Olivia is inspired by this characteristic in Harry and is very individualistic herself.
“I think individualism is really important. I think when you’re young you can get lost in trying to make everyone like you, and trying to be and fit in,” Olivia describes as she plays with her necklace and twiddles her thumbs. “I think when you are yourself, you will be happier, and I think that’s very important.”
Olivia does not conform to society’s rules of how a teenage girl should act or be. She is very unique and is very much herself. Olivia is quite outgoing and likes to talk to everyone. When walking through the halls at school or down the street in a crowded city, Olivia could be perceived as loud sometimes.
“I think at times I do conform a little bit,” Olivia proceeds in a serious tone and a straight face. “I think everyone does. I’m mainly myself. I think if you asked anyone who knows me, they’d agree. I’m pretty much an oddball.”
Furthermore, Olivia is very funny, and when asked how she thinks she is perceived she replied, “Yeah, I mean I think it’s who I am. Loud and funny. So, I think it’s a good thing.” Olivia said with a smile on her face that she is proud of the way she is perceived by other people around her. She notes that she is who she is and there is nothing else she can do than just be herself, so she is happy with how she comes off to people. Olivia is quite inspirational. She inspires her friends and family every day to have fun and not care about what others think.
Moreover, Olivia is a lot smarter than people realize. She is very smart and tries her hardest in school. People may perceive her as less intelligent than she is because they haven’t gotten to know her. I think Olivia’s friends and family do know that she is very smart, but her school friends may not.
“I use great, large vocab and it surprises people,” Olivia explained with a laugh.
Not only does Olivia inspire and motivate her friends and family, but she is also motivated by them to do her best. This proves that Olivia likes to surround herself with successful people who push her to do even better.
“Friends and family. I think they motivate me the most,” Olivia replied with a big smile.
As previously mentioned, Olivia is very outgoing and great at making friends. She stopped playing soccer her Junior year of high school and joined cross country, and she loves it.
“I didn’t really like soccer anymore. So, I think I’m happy I don’t have to do something I don’t like, but I love cross country. I love the people. Made some good friends”
Lastly, since Olivia is good with people, she wants to pursue a career that involves helping others.
“I’m good at helping other people. Understanding other people”