Co-written by Leah Curtin and Adriana Petrillo
At OA, we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to join so many different clubs! There are over 60 clubs offered at OA. Here are a few clubs that are looking for new members from Friday’s Activity Fair.

Empowering Stories Book Club- focuses on reading books and watching movies to facilitate meaningful conversations about racial discrimination, representation, and systemic oppression. This club works to create cultural acceptance at OA.

Careers Club- invites various professionals to answer questions about their field of work. Students meet every Friday to formulate questions and meet with a professional. This is a great opportunity for students to figure out what they want to do after high school!

Student Council- organizes various events at OA and in the community. This club hopes to inspire students to be a model of inclusiveness and spirit. Some events include: Homecoming, spirit week, pep rallies, hall day, and more!
Although the activities fair was an eye-opening experience for eighth graders, freshmen, and sophomores, most students and even some teachers agreed that the event for the 8th graders was too early in the school year. Most of the eighth grades will forget about the clubs that they were introduced to because there is no way for them to stay informed since they cannot access OA´s google classroom.
Hannah Murphy, a senior at OA states ¨the activities fair should not have been held until later in the year because most students will forget everything that they learned about the various clubs that they were interested in.¨
Despite the fact that this event may have been held too early, the freshmen and sophomores definitely benefited from it. They were able to collect flyers and applications for various clubs, some of which they had been meaning to join for a while, but did not know how to. Guidance was provided, which made it easier for students to join clubs because they were given information about how to contact the members and leaders of certain clubs both via google classroom and in person.
A freshmen at OA, Mackenzie Merrill expresses “I liked that the information was there and available for everyone to see, and I also like how they had people to talk to about the clubs.”
Keep an eye out for future clubs and organizations featured on the Daily Olivian!