OA Seniors have had almost four years to create a close bond with their advisory, or not. Whatever your opinion may be on advisory, seniors have had the most experience with a normal advisory. In the first half of last year, it was definitely a little different. Because of remote learning, all of the OA advisories had one meeting a week on Wednesday’s, the schedules only fully remote day. But there was a major relief when we all got to return to our beloved groups towards the end of last year.
Now that seniors have regained that sense of normalcy, how do they feel about yet another change to advisory? Many senior advisories have a really close and unique bond because of the time they have spent together. You have grown up together. From tiny, confused freshman to adults about to take on the real world. So, how do these close advisories feel about welcoming in a new group of 12 students with a completely different dynamic and bond?
Seniors Lauren O’Connell and Claudia Cox, both members of Mr. Schussler’s advisories agreed that they enjoyed the length of Tiger Block, but wished it was just their advisory. They like the ability to spend more time with their advisory and have fun. But they said that having another advisory impede on their strong bond was “awkward”.
Senior Jessie Bello had a different opinion. She did not like the length, she states that it “just makes the day longer”. When asked about how close her advisory is she says “we are all kinda close in this class but not much of us talk outside of advisory”. But when it comes to the new advisory joining hers she says, “I liked it because it was another senior advisory, but it was a little awkward at first”.
Alexandra Glennon, also a senior, expresses “no one in my advisory talks besides the already existing friends.” Her advisory does not seem to be as close as others. She says she does enjoy it however because it “is a good break from classes, [but] Tiger Block was not really a bonding time like it was supposed to be because we all worked independently”.
Overall, the Tiger Block seemed to be a hit or miss. Many seemed to enjoy the extra length added to regular advisory, but could have done without the extra 12 people. Maybe as the year goes on, each group will find a way to bond. But, so far, Seniors are not impressed.