What are your plans for after high school? (college, military, gap year, etc)
I’m going to UMASS Amherst and majoring in political science
What is one regret you have from your 4 years at OA?
I would say that I regret not trying as hard in my classes because I know if I pushed myself I could’ve done a lot better. I let procrastination get the best of me and always waited until the literal last hour to finish my work. I know if I had actually tried I probably could’ve done better, but I always prioritized other things like my friends over school
Is there any person at OA in particular you’d like to thank? If so, why?
There is no one I can think of at this moment.
Are there any careers you are thinking of after school?
I have wanted to be a lawyer since I was really young because I have had so many of my parents friends who are lawyers tell me about how they really love it and how they make their own schedules and live their lives the way they want while also helping people in the process. I want to be an immigration lawyer so I can help people who really need it
What’s your best memory from OA?
My best memory from oa would have to be the pep rallies but specifically the one in November of junior year. That was the last one we had and it was really nice to see the entire grade standing together and trying to beat out the other grades. I think it would be that one specifically because that was the first year we didn’t place last and it was honestly really funny.