5 Questions with OA senior Jess Erlich
Q) April Fools is this month, have you ever been April Fools pranked?
A) Yes I have been pranked for April Fools before. My cousin filled the water bottle next to my bed stand up with lemon juice, so when I woke up I took a big gulp and was shocked.
Q) What are your plans for after high school?
A) After high school I plan on heading to Umass Amherst and majoring in finance and international business.
Q) What is your stance on returning to school full time?
A) I am excited to return to school full time because I want to spend my last few weeks as a senior in normal-ish high school. I miss seeing all my friends in the halls and think learning in person will be very beneficial for most people.
Q) What is your favorite place on Earth to visit?
A) My favorite place on Earth to visit is Cape Cod. I love being near the ocean, it helps me ground myself. I also love watching the sun rise at the beach, it’s so beautiful.
Q) How are you doing right now?
A) I am doing alright right now. the warmer weather has encouraged me to get outside more often. The fresh air and being around nature makes me happy.