5 Questions with Adam Smith
Q) April Fools is this month, have you ever been April Fools pranked?
A) Yes I have, one year my mom decided to attach googly eyes to all of the fruit in the fridge, and it definitely confused me to say the least.
Q) What are your plans for after high school?
A) Of course things can change, but my current plan is to move out to West California to got to college. That is where my sister is, and she loves it so I thought I might as well go and try too.
Q) What is your stance on returning to school full time?
A) I’m not sure what the consensus of the students is on this, but I am a big proponent of going back full time. I get my work done much better in a school environment. I do like getting out at 12:25 though.
Q) What is your favorite place on Earth to visit?
A) My favorite place on Earth to visit has to be California. It’s hard to say since I haven’t left the US, but all I care about is warm weather, and spending time with the people I care about. California has both of those.
Q) How are you doing right now?
A) I’m doing alright. I recently started to go back into school part time, and that is making my school life a lot easier.