5 Questions with OA Senior Ava Hall

Q: What is one thing you want for Christmas or Hanukkah this year and why?
A: For Christmas I am asking for slippers that look like Donkey from Shrek. I want them because during online school my feet always get cold. Also I just love the movie Shrek.
Q: What is your favorite holiday movie?
A: My favorite holiday movie is definitely Elf. My family watches it every year together and it never fails to make us laugh, it’s a classic.
Q: What is your favorite thing about winter?
A: My favorite thing about winter is probably skiing. I love to head up to Sunday River on the weekends with my family and friends. I’m also on the ski team so I get to race a lot too which is really fun.
Q: Who is your favorite artist right now?
A: My favorite artists right now is probably Mac Miller. I love his music because he has a really good rhythm in most of his songs. Also his word choice flows nicely in the songs while still making sense.
Q: How are you right now?
A: I am doing okay. I still have to get some homework done until I can relax but other than that I’ve had a good day.