As many of you are aware Easton has been struck with COVID-19 and the number of cases has continually increased with 92 cases as of April 9th. Yet, many people are still seen outside exploring the world.
Now, with that said, this article is by no means advocating for group events of social gatherings of any kind as all major scientists and governments have put recommendations or legislation to prevent social gatherings and everyone should be practicing social distancing.
Now, there are many benefits to exploring your local community and delving into the nature around you. This study by Harvard discusses the numerous health benefits to going out into nature even just for 30 minutes per week, which is another benefit to (in isolation) explore the beauty of the world around you. Furthermore, some therapists around the world are implementing nature into their programs for individuals in a process called Ecotherapy. The process of being isolated in nature furthers the process of self-reflection which is extremely beneficial to one’s mental health.
There are many local places close to Easton that are large open areas with trails that one can visit. From Borderland State Park on 259 Massapoag Ave, North Easton, MA 02356 to Wheaton Farm at the intersection of Bay Rd. and Prospect St. and Sheep Pasture (Natural Resource Trust) in North Easton near Easton Center.
Historically this is demonstrated in the great American thinkers of Emerson and Thoreau. Who derived many of their writings from their isolation in nature and would be a great read during the COVID-19 break.