The Remote Learning Experience and COVID-19 epidemic have left many students and families wondering how certain processes will occur. While the school and district have sent out numerous explanations, there remains some confusion.
I asked Mr. Paul some of the most common questions about remote learning.
DO: How does the current participation / not participating system OA is using differ from a pass/fail system of grading?
Mr. Paul: We have communicated to our teachers and students that our primary focus is on the safety and well being of our students and that between now and May 4th (date we are working with) teachers are providing remote learning opportunities which our students are required to take part in. We agreed that Participation is determined by the individual teacher and what the student attempted or completed. Each assignment is recorded in Aspen as P=participated or I=not yet participated. Not yet participated means that a student may have extenuating circumstances and need more time. At the end of this closure, the number of assignments participated is divided by the number of assignments required to come up with a percentage. That percentage grade will account for 10% of the student’s final grade that takes the place of final exams.
DO: How much work is expected from each student in each class?
Mr. Paul: Students are expected to be working on school work at a minimum of 3.5 hours a day, and some are working on opportunities that may take more time, but again this is not the same amount of time students generally spend on school work (School Day Hours plus H.W.Hours) when we are in session.
DO: Are all students expected to attend weekly virtual meetings? What if they don’t have a camera?
Mr. Paul: The expectation we have for students is to engage in this new way of providing education and the Google Meetings are part of what we require. Students who do not have a device or wifi access have been asked to seek help. If a student has trouble with a camera on their computer, they can still participate by talking when called upon by the teacher. This is part of the required learning experiences to cover the 10% grade for this time period. As I stated in my letter, participation is a great way to boost your year- end average.
DO: Have there been any issues with student access to technology? How has it been addressed?
Mr. Paul: There have been a few students who needed wifi and Chromebooks, and our Technology Department has been remarkable in meeting these needs.