Hello! My name is Lily Sanpietro, and if you go to school with me and know me well, you know that I love nails, and I always have mine done. I get tons and tons of questions about my nails. I thought I would clear that up for anyone who is wondering.
The most common question I get is: “How do you do anything with them so long?” The answer to that is simply I got used to them. I have had these nails on since last year. I have not had these off for more than two days. I keep them on extremely regularly, and if one of them is broken or has fallen off, I make sure to get them done as soon as possible to keep myself on track. Taking the time into consideration with how long I have had them, I have gotten used to them and how I do things with them.
Another question I get asked all the time is: “Are they expensive?” and inevitably, after I answer I always get: “That is way too expensive. You should spend your money on more important things.” The first thing I have to say is yes, yes they are decently expensive. Depending on what design I do, they can be up to fifty dollars. I know that is insane and crazy, but I would like to ask you a question. Does something that makes you happy cost money? The answer is most likely yes. That is how I feel because my nails make me happy. I enjoy getting them done, and sharing them with people that enjoy nails! I obviously have other hobbies that cost money, which are shoes and streetwear, but all of these things make me happy. They make me who I am, and I wouldn’t sacrifice anything for who I am and what makes me happy. Obviously, I can survive without nails, but if it brings me joy, I will invest time into them.
A third question I am asked almost every day is: “How do your parents feel about those nails?” And as you might think the answer is, they don’t love them. My Mum and Dad both think they are too long, and my Dad definitely feels as if they are extra. I acknowledge how my parents feel, and I do not ignore them. I understand how they might feel, but I also recognize that I am a teenager who should have the freedom to do what makes her happy, considering it is not hurting anybody. Not to mention the fact that I almost always pay for my nails because it is only fair, my parents shouldn’t have to pay for something they do not like.
Thank you to all of my classmates that have complimented my nails. It means a lot to me. The message I have for anyone who is reading this is that whatever makes you happy, makes you happy. You do have to consider other people’s feelings, but you have every right to pursue something that brings you joy. I dare you to go for that dress you always wanted but didn’t know if anyone would like it or that pair of sneakers you weren’t sure your friends would like. Confidence and happiness are contagious. You have all the power to build yourself and find who you are. Others will love you for who you are. You will find yourself, and everything will work out. I promise.