With over 500 million active users, TikTok, the multi-billion dollar company that is the spiritual successor of Musical.ly which was the successor of Vine. These apps allow for short videos to be posted for a user’s followers and on the trending (for you) page. TikTok has been the most successful out of all the apps by far as it’s reached over 800 million downloads worldwide across all platforms.
The app has brought many artists and songs to the mainstream with its great influence over culture, especially teens, who make up 41% of the app’s userbase. Songs like Old Town Road and MiA KHALiFA to the spotlight and brought immense fame to many people like Lil Nas X, the artist behind Old Town Road.
Images from inside the app, TikTok
TikTok has been popping up in high schools all across the country making clubs as many kids hope to be “TikTok famous”. This app has brought the many social media platforms by storm as it was the fastest-growing app in Q4 of 2018 which saw it beat out social media giants like Facebook and Instagram.
TikTok has become a new obsession with teens as 90% of their active users access the app on a daily basis. It seems to be sticking around as it continues to grow and hopefully will not fall to the same fate as it’s predecessors.