By Jackson Keller
The Oliver Ames football program has been completely overhauled and is back with an entirely new coaching staff. Led by head coach Ed Dewitt, the team has an entire new outlook and plans to come back stronger than ever. According to senior captain and 3 year starter Cam Perron, the team has a “strong chance of making the playoffs”.
The team has been working very hard at practice and is using the underdog mentality to come back with a vengeance. The strong returning junior class is also believed to contribute to the future success of the team.
They put up a big fight in their first league game against Concord Carlisle but, they feel short in a 21-20 loss. Nathan Cabral, another senior captain, “does not want one game to define their whole season.” The boy’s will be hoping to get back on track. their next game will be home, the 21st at 4 P.M. against Roxbury Prep.