Why do you lie? Is it to protect yourself? Drive interest in something thats not true?Help yourself or others? We took a poll of {} students whith this simple yet complicated question!
“To benefit myself.” -Callen Edinger
“To get away with something if I did something wrong.” -Mrs. Matthews
“To avoid hurting someone’s feelings.” -Andy Leblanc
“To protect myself and protect others.” -Gabe Woolf
“Sometimes people just need to be lied to for their own benefit.” – Nora Behen
“I do not usually lie because no good or bad would come of it.” – Mrs. Leblanc
“I lie because I want to spare someone of hurt feelings.” – Mrs. Tantillo
“I lie to protect myself if I feel bad.” -Anthony Hoffman
“I like to give people what they want.” -Tierney Milliken
“I lie because sometimes it’s easier for others.” – Sophie Hurtle
“To get out of trouble.”- Alyssa Torrey